Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Second Pride

I have spent last week setting up my gallery at Second Pride. It has been really exciting. Then I have been visiting the shops of the other vendors, looking at the exhibits and of course partying with the rest of my proud family. It has brought back to mind a lot of memories and reasons for why I am who I am. I have spent many years fighting others (family mostly) about my lifestyle. Living in a world where i face possible discrimation and having to face the fact that I do not have equal rights as others. But yet I wake up every morning, put my pants on the same as everyone else and am proud of who and what I am. Is it easy? Often it is not. I have MSNBC as my default on my web browser and when i opened my laptop this morning I was faced with the news that the State of California Supreme Court upheld the constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. Another day in the life of a gay man :( I will continue to be proud and will not give up the fight...for somehow, someday, & somewhere we will all be equal!!

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