Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Clint's Big Bang!!!! Monday, February 2nd 6-8pm SLT

Year since he rezzed in
To the World of Second Life...
Year since he signed on
To deal with drama and strife...
Year since he started
To improve the whole place....
Reason to Party
Cuz he's still rezzin' still....
Night just to throw down
Get funky and dance and chill!

Join us @ Premier as we celebrate CLINTON'S ONE YEAR REZZ DAY! Come join us, Ars and the Rezz Day boy as we have an all-out event 6-8 SLT Monday February 2nd at EVOLUTION!

Me & Drac Having Some Fun!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Opposite of Love

In the past couple of weeks, I have started on an incredible journey with a man who still fascinates me with how absolutely emotional he is when it comes to SL. Please do not get me wrong...I do not mean that in a bad way at all. I just love how he feels and cares for everyone around him and how hard he strives and works to make sure that his SL friends and family are ok and taken care of. When they hurt - he hurts. When they are happy - he rejoices. And when they cry - he cries with them. There should definitely be more like you Drac....you make SL such a beautiful place. As we have started to learn each others past and where we have been, this wonderful man made such a profound comment..one that has haunted me for days. He said "The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference." "If you allow hate, then they still have power." WOW! Many of you have seen me wear a necklace around my neck with three crucifixes on it. Each crucifix has represented someone who has hurt me very deeply in SL. I have worn it as a reminder to the pain that they have caused and i guess as a way to protect me from any more hurt. But with those words, I realized that with this constant reminder literally around my neck, I continued to carry the weight of the pain and in some circumstances the hate that I felt towards these 3 people. And I still gave them power over me. I was literally confused by exactly what to do, I know that grudges are best forgotten and I have striven to not have anything to do with these three people, however...indifference? So I did some research.

I found two very poignant quotes by Elie Weisel, holocaust survivor and noble prize winner;

For one who is indifferent, life itself is a prison. Any sense of community is external or, even worse, nonexistent. Thus, indifference means solitude. Those who are indifferent do not see others. They feel nothing for others and are unconcerned with what might happen to them. They are surrounded by a great emptiness. Filled by it, in fact. They are devoid of all hope as well as imagination. In other words, devoid of any future

The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.
The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference.
The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference.
And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference

These made me realize that hate / dislike is an emotion and must be felt. Indifference is the total lack of emotion and without it your life is truly a void. I know that Drac meant well when he said those words to me and he is someone who feels so much emotion,I could never ever imagine him to be indifferent. You can never experience the good without the bad. There could not be the concept of heaven without the concept of hell. I have since, however, removed the necklace from around my neck. I am not striving for indifference, but perhaps possibly towards forgiveness. Only the future can tell.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I know that many of you have wondered and rumors have flown around Second Life for months!! How can he do everything that he does..put up with everything that he puts up with & deal with so many issues. Why the hell can't Clinton Radek be destroyed?? Is he truly Superman? and if so...who is Clark Kent? Well fellow bloggers....Now the TRUTH comes out!!! Clinton has an ALT!! and that person is??? (insert drum roll here) The RL Clint (RLC).

RLC logs into real world for approximately 9 hours a day. Goes to a RL job to earn money for Clinton so that Clinton can live a lifestyle that he would like to become accustom to. But it doesn't stop there..OH NO fellow readers..it isn't that easy!! SL Clint makes sure that RLC remains constantly connected and within reach usually via yahoo messenger and SLeek. The clint mobile always ready to rush RLC back to the laptop so that evil doers are brought to justice & noobs are saved from fashion faux pas. A box is not an accessory to ANY outfit!

Nine hours a day is all the alt sees..once that time is up. Clint logs in!!

So now you know the truth!

Monday, January 19, 2009

New Start to a New Year

Sorry fellow bloggers & friends for taking so long to post but what a whirlwind of the past couple weeks for ole Clint. As I stated in previous blogs, I did a lot of reflection at the end of 08'...made some radical decisions & changes, crossed my fingers & stepped out from behind the facade that I had built. And wouldn't you guess it...no sooner did I step out ...I was ran OVER! I met the most interesting guy and we have spent the last two weeks talking, exploring, spending time together & really getting to know one another. And...oh yeah FALLING IN LOVE! I had prepared a very long list of requirements for the next Mr. (insert name here)- Radek and Drac you stepped in and practically checked off everything on that list of requirements in a matter of hours. It was like you were made for me! It has been told to me by many people who are close...that it is sooooooo good to see Clint smile again & I can't remember being this happy. I know we have a long hard road ahead of us...but together we can beat the odds on this one baby...You stole my heart & I'm not filing a grievance report to Linden...you can have it. I love you bb!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

It's a Wonderful Life!!

***This post was written & meant to be posted on January 1st***

Thanks to a very dear friend of mine, I spent most of the holiday season in retrospect of the events & experiences that have occurred in recent months...heck my entire time in 2008. And just like in the movie, this dear friend (my guardian angel) stepped in just as i was ready to click the BIG RED X...I was ready to end it all. By showing me, the people I had effected, the friends that i had neglected & things I had created...I had a lot to be proud of. I suddenly saw the mis-steps that I had made, decided which ones needed to be corrected & which ones were better being left alone. I started reaching out to the old friends who I had lost contact with...catching up on all the time lost and once again truly enjoying this incredible world of pixel and prim. I FOUND PEACE!