Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I know that many of you have wondered and rumors have flown around Second Life for months!! How can he do everything that he does..put up with everything that he puts up with & deal with so many issues. Why the hell can't Clinton Radek be destroyed?? Is he truly Superman? and if so...who is Clark Kent? Well fellow bloggers....Now the TRUTH comes out!!! Clinton has an ALT!! and that person is??? (insert drum roll here) The RL Clint (RLC).

RLC logs into real world for approximately 9 hours a day. Goes to a RL job to earn money for Clinton so that Clinton can live a lifestyle that he would like to become accustom to. But it doesn't stop there..OH NO fellow isn't that easy!! SL Clint makes sure that RLC remains constantly connected and within reach usually via yahoo messenger and SLeek. The clint mobile always ready to rush RLC back to the laptop so that evil doers are brought to justice & noobs are saved from fashion faux pas. A box is not an accessory to ANY outfit!

Nine hours a day is all the alt sees..once that time is up. Clint logs in!!

So now you know the truth!

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