Thursday, January 8, 2009

It's a Wonderful Life!!

***This post was written & meant to be posted on January 1st***

Thanks to a very dear friend of mine, I spent most of the holiday season in retrospect of the events & experiences that have occurred in recent months...heck my entire time in 2008. And just like in the movie, this dear friend (my guardian angel) stepped in just as i was ready to click the BIG RED X...I was ready to end it all. By showing me, the people I had effected, the friends that i had neglected & things I had created...I had a lot to be proud of. I suddenly saw the mis-steps that I had made, decided which ones needed to be corrected & which ones were better being left alone. I started reaching out to the old friends who I had lost contact with...catching up on all the time lost and once again truly enjoying this incredible world of pixel and prim. I FOUND PEACE!

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