After a very rough and emotional week...I am back in full swing. I want to thank the many friends who sent words of encouragement and kept in their has been greatly appreciated.
So Evolution is running in full gear...and our awesome dj's and one incredible club manager, Mirah "insert applause here" is to be thanked for making the club and sim such a huge success. Halloween week is upon us and is a very busy time for all of gay SL...i mean Halloween?? the gayest holiday of the year! And Evolution is planning a week to be remembered. Thursday night Evolution with host the Atlantis 2100 Halloween Bash "Lucifer's in Exhile" from 5-7pm SLT and then Friday the 31st, Evolution will cast it's spell upon Halloween by presenting "The Meeting of the Witch's Council" from 2-8pm SLT. Multiple costume contests and many surprises are expected and I hope to see each of you there.
The sim itself is continuing to evolve as well and thanks to the huge response from vendors, many changes are in store. I never imagined when the first build was completed and the club opened that it would continue to grow and requests would continue to come. I am trying to get to as many of the requests as I quickly as I can. So please continue to visit and see what happens. Also on that note.. The Bump & Grind Cafe opened this week just to the right of the entrance of the club. It is a wonderful relaxing place to sit under the cafe umbrella with your friends while enjoying an espresso, latte, tea or cocoa and snacks as well from the coffee cart. Please check it out!!
Also in the works is "Creation" Premier Evolutions spa and bathhouse...the first floor will be completed this week and includes an incredible Turkish bath and many lounging areas to sit with old or maybe even new friends. The gym and dungeon hope to be completed soon and open for everyone to enjoy as well.
On a personal note..I would like to thank a certain someone for taking a moment to come to me and apologize (even though none was needed) and ask to be included back in my life (even though he never left). And also a huge thanks to him for spending the time that I so desperately needed this last week to distract me from all of the emotion and make these past several days such a fun time!! You truly are Radek-al "insert smirky grin here"
Not many shopping days left to get that perfect costume....because Halloween has officially begun and all of us at Evolution hope to see you there!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Memorial to CB
I have been in SL on and off since Friday but due to a personal tragedy...have not been available.
In Memorial to My Best Friend and Pet--- Sebastian Reginald. I will see you on the brigde some day buddy. I love you!!
In Memorial to My Best Friend and Pet--- Sebastian Reginald. I will see you on the brigde some day buddy. I love you!!
Rainbow Bridge
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Author unknown...
Friday, October 17, 2008
Another weekend is upon us
I have been trying really hard to keep this blog about Premier Evolution and the wonderful things that are happening there and what a blast that I am having being associated with it. But although all wonderful things....the tiredness, exhaustion and all around sense of overwhelm are starting to settle in. And somtimes this wonderful world that we live in and use to try and escape from that other world is not so easy to do. This past RL week has possibly been one of the worst of my life...I will not go into detail because that isn't part of the immersion but sometimes absolute immersion is not possible.....your RL mood and worries follow you. I have tried to be consistently upbeat, excited and present a persona of happiness...but this week I know that a change has been seen. A once dear friend of mine posted the most incredible poem on his blog...i have to believe that it was fate, for it could not have fit my situation this week any better and as my comment to him said....You can not chain a soul...because a soul is free and you can not always hold a hand because that hand must sometimes have to let can only hope that one day that hand finds itself back in yours. Goodbyes are hard...but they must be a learning experience. I speak a lot of about Premier and how it has evolved....yet I have learned these past couple of weeks, that I must evolve to. That there is a distinct line that has to be drawn between Clinton and Premier...although they are so tightly intertwined. I have worked so hard to make Premier evolve and in doing so have lost touch with is time for him to evolve as grow, flourish and shine. Forget all the things & people from the past that have caused such grief and hunt and hope that the ones that i have hurt can forgive and then when doing this Clinton can finally LEARN, BUILD, & FLY!!
I apologize to everyone for my mood this week...if it was taken personal that was never my intent and I try really hard to keep the two worlds separate. Premier is wonderful and we have the most incredible guys who try so hard to make the experience at the club one of fun.
With all of that rambling being said.....please do not let my attitude this last week reflect on the club or sim .... it is continuing to grow "evolve" and is a great place to come and have a good time....even if there is an owner who for a short time has beem a grumpy little diva :))
I also wanna thank everyone for all the hugs and words of encouragement even when they had no idea why they needed to other than to feel that at the moment Clint needed one really bad....and he did! I love you all!!!
Huggs ... Clint
I apologize to everyone for my mood this week...if it was taken personal that was never my intent and I try really hard to keep the two worlds separate. Premier is wonderful and we have the most incredible guys who try so hard to make the experience at the club one of fun.
With all of that rambling being said.....please do not let my attitude this last week reflect on the club or sim .... it is continuing to grow "evolve" and is a great place to come and have a good time....even if there is an owner who for a short time has beem a grumpy little diva :))
I also wanna thank everyone for all the hugs and words of encouragement even when they had no idea why they needed to other than to feel that at the moment Clint needed one really bad....and he did! I love you all!!!
Huggs ... Clint
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
My Cyber Friends ~
I haven't ever seen you,
But I know you're really there;
I click you into reality
Like magic from the air.
Your voice is like an angel,
Though I really do not hear;
Your hug as warm as any
Of loved ones I hold dear.
You're always there for comfort,
Or a word of cheer;
Though you are very far away,
I always have you near.
You're a very special friend,
Like none I've ever known;
As long as you're in cyberspace
I'll never be alone......
(author unknown)
But I know you're really there;
I click you into reality
Like magic from the air.
Your voice is like an angel,
Though I really do not hear;
Your hug as warm as any
Of loved ones I hold dear.
You're always there for comfort,
Or a word of cheer;
Though you are very far away,
I always have you near.
You're a very special friend,
Like none I've ever known;
As long as you're in cyberspace
I'll never be alone......
(author unknown)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
A Day to Relax

Evolution was closed yesterday (Monday) as well as today ... and yesterday I finally got to take a much needed break. Did a little bit of work on Halloween decorations for the inside of the club, just to see what would look good and go with the theme. Still nothing official.
But Monday nite has officially been deemed "Date Night" and so I was able to finally spend some MUCH needed time with my wonderful husband, Corey. I have to be the most fortunate man in SL, not for what i have created but for having the opportunity to have the most encouraging, patient and loving man in SL in my life . There is nothing I like better, than to be able to have the opportunity to spend a couple of hours in his arms, talking and sharing. I know that it has to be difficult being married to man who seems to be in a constant sprint..running full force. And yet there he is...supporting me every step of the way.
We tried to go to this waterpark and play there...don't remember the name of the place...and when we showed up it looked really cool with tons of water slides etc...but none of them worked. Really strange, why would you build such an awesome place only to have none of the attractions work???? so we just would up going back home and laying in bed together talking...was probably what we needed most anyways.
If you know of any cool places to visit, please let me know. I really want to explore SL with Corey..something we have never really had the opportunity to do.
I love you are what makes this all possible!
Huggs Clint
But Monday nite has officially been deemed "Date Night" and so I was able to finally spend some MUCH needed time with my wonderful husband, Corey. I have to be the most fortunate man in SL, not for what i have created but for having the opportunity to have the most encouraging, patient and loving man in SL in my life . There is nothing I like better, than to be able to have the opportunity to spend a couple of hours in his arms, talking and sharing. I know that it has to be difficult being married to man who seems to be in a constant sprint..running full force. And yet there he is...supporting me every step of the way.
We tried to go to this waterpark and play there...don't remember the name of the place...and when we showed up it looked really cool with tons of water slides etc...but none of them worked. Really strange, why would you build such an awesome place only to have none of the attractions work???? so we just would up going back home and laying in bed together talking...was probably what we needed most anyways.
If you know of any cool places to visit, please let me know. I really want to explore SL with Corey..something we have never really had the opportunity to do.
I love you are what makes this all possible!
Huggs Clint
Sunday, October 12, 2008
End to a Perfect Weekend
Hey everybody....hope that you had as good of a weekend as I have had. I am F'n having a blast!! Got home early again this morning around 4:30 SLT and decided that it was time to start decorating the place for Halloween. Mirah poofed in not far behind me and we checked out a couple of places and came up with a really great concept for right outside the club entrance. Really spooky and very well done!!! You will have to stop by and see it. Spent about another hour coming up with ideas for the decorations for the Halloween Party "The Meeting of the Witch's Council" and think that it will look really great. With Atlantis having their party Thursday evening the 30th and of course wanting their own isn't going to leave me a lot of time to prepare for my own party....but i have some ideas of how to make it really simple. However, we are dealing with anything really ever simple?
Decided to spend a couple of hours in RL getting some things completed that i have been putting off for several weeks...and showed up just in time for our Sunday afternoon party "Camp Evolution". A difficult concept to grasp i I will explain. DJ Gregster a very good friend and AWESOME DJ...has a lot of tracks with parody types of songs that are freaking hilarious and he usually works them into his regular set...not to mention the good ole campy village people and abba etc. So I approached him last week to DJ Camp for two hours we listened to the funny parodies, the oldies and BROADWAY SHOW TUNES!!!! How campy is that. At first i think Gregster thought i had lost my marbles...but the crowd was very large and everyone was having an AWESOME haven't lived till you have danced to the Sound of Music lol.....this party is going to be a regular of ours.
Few more RL things and back for the Sunday T Dance.....once again great crowd and how fun is it to dance to the current chart toppers mixed with a little Gloria Gaynor , BeeGee's or Queen!! It Rawked!
I ended the night with something i have truly been praying for and i am not a religious man. One of my favorite shops in SL...Head 2 Toe rented one of my larger stores at the sim....I am soooo excited! it couldn't be any better! Guess it is time to reel in my 2nd, 3rd and 4th favorite stores :))
Well it is almost 9:30 pm SLT and unfortunately RL will be calling pretty early so i better end it for now.
As my best friend Dillon would say "POOF"
Decided to spend a couple of hours in RL getting some things completed that i have been putting off for several weeks...and showed up just in time for our Sunday afternoon party "Camp Evolution". A difficult concept to grasp i I will explain. DJ Gregster a very good friend and AWESOME DJ...has a lot of tracks with parody types of songs that are freaking hilarious and he usually works them into his regular set...not to mention the good ole campy village people and abba etc. So I approached him last week to DJ Camp for two hours we listened to the funny parodies, the oldies and BROADWAY SHOW TUNES!!!! How campy is that. At first i think Gregster thought i had lost my marbles...but the crowd was very large and everyone was having an AWESOME haven't lived till you have danced to the Sound of Music lol.....this party is going to be a regular of ours.
Few more RL things and back for the Sunday T Dance.....once again great crowd and how fun is it to dance to the current chart toppers mixed with a little Gloria Gaynor , BeeGee's or Queen!! It Rawked!
I ended the night with something i have truly been praying for and i am not a religious man. One of my favorite shops in SL...Head 2 Toe rented one of my larger stores at the sim....I am soooo excited! it couldn't be any better! Guess it is time to reel in my 2nd, 3rd and 4th favorite stores :))
Well it is almost 9:30 pm SLT and unfortunately RL will be calling pretty early so i better end it for now.
As my best friend Dillon would say "POOF"
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Wonderful Saturday
It is a little after 9pm SLT and I have been going since 4am SLT. Finished the new mall area "Marketplace Oasis" at Premier Evolution and it is now open for vendors. It looks incredible and I cant wait to see all the incredible people who fill the stores with their wonderfull products.
Had 2 events today, DJ Mirah did Fever in the afternoon ... had a good turn out and then DJ Ars did Saturday Night Raw. Great show and what an increidble guy. You know we all go thru this life trying to make friends and inevitably make a few enemies along the way as well. Ars is one of those guys who is a good friend. He really truly cares and I look forward to a long relationship with him. Ars you RAWK!!
Finalized the plans to host Atlantis 2100's Halloween Party at Evolution since their sim is still under construction. Braden & Dej are two people who are also in the good friends catagory. They were the first to give Premier their first outside dance gig and really supported us early on. It is so great to be working with both of them again and can't wait to see what happens on Oct 30th from 5-7pm SLT....mark your calendars.
Speaking of Halloween, plans have began for Evolutions as will be Oct 31st from 2-8pm SLT "The Meeting of the Witch's Council" will be like nothing seen before with contest prizes every two hours...3 dj's and prizes given thru out the nite.
I have got quite a few comments lately that i must be absolutely insane for doing all of this...throwing multiple daily events from Wed-Sun...and right now I am so tired i can hardly type...but if you are my friend you know how I answer each one of those statements "I JUST WANNA FUCKIN DANCE"!! I'm here to have fun...and although a lot of work yes...I am having a BLAST!!! help my guys who want a cool place to work and make some $L...and of course to let all the people of SL have fun as well....isnt that what it is all you know what....FUCKIN DANCE!!!!
huggz Clint!
Had 2 events today, DJ Mirah did Fever in the afternoon ... had a good turn out and then DJ Ars did Saturday Night Raw. Great show and what an increidble guy. You know we all go thru this life trying to make friends and inevitably make a few enemies along the way as well. Ars is one of those guys who is a good friend. He really truly cares and I look forward to a long relationship with him. Ars you RAWK!!
Finalized the plans to host Atlantis 2100's Halloween Party at Evolution since their sim is still under construction. Braden & Dej are two people who are also in the good friends catagory. They were the first to give Premier their first outside dance gig and really supported us early on. It is so great to be working with both of them again and can't wait to see what happens on Oct 30th from 5-7pm SLT....mark your calendars.
Speaking of Halloween, plans have began for Evolutions as will be Oct 31st from 2-8pm SLT "The Meeting of the Witch's Council" will be like nothing seen before with contest prizes every two hours...3 dj's and prizes given thru out the nite.
I have got quite a few comments lately that i must be absolutely insane for doing all of this...throwing multiple daily events from Wed-Sun...and right now I am so tired i can hardly type...but if you are my friend you know how I answer each one of those statements "I JUST WANNA FUCKIN DANCE"!! I'm here to have fun...and although a lot of work yes...I am having a BLAST!!! help my guys who want a cool place to work and make some $L...and of course to let all the people of SL have fun as well....isnt that what it is all you know what....FUCKIN DANCE!!!!
huggz Clint!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Another Couple of Busy Days & Here Comes the Weekend!!
PE had originally intended for Wednesday nite to be "Ladies Nite" however still working on getting associated with several ladies groups so that notices can go out regarding the events the Wednesday nite event turned into "Hump Day" with a contest for sexiest skivvies!! DJ Mirah was once again great and there was a really good turn out including quite a few ladies .. WOOT WOOT!! I didnt attend much of the event as I was in the new marketplace area (Phase 2) seriously working on trying to get it completed.
Yesterday was our 4 hour "Happy Hour" and DJ Markie & DJ Gregster were awesome as always. Once again, turn out was great. We are really getting a good response regarding the new location/club. I spent the rest of the evening working on the marketplace and almost have it ready to rentals...just minor details left to complete...landscaping, fountains etc. It really looks nice and I can't wait to start sending the invites to shop owners and advertising our newest area.
Had a chance to finally catch up with Niki last night and get to working on staffing issues with the new schedule. We are also in negociations with several other people who are going to help move PE to a whole new level in regard to staffing.
And as for Halloween ... we are working with others to make Oct 31st something that SL has never seen before! Keep checking back for more details!
Yesterday was our 4 hour "Happy Hour" and DJ Markie & DJ Gregster were awesome as always. Once again, turn out was great. We are really getting a good response regarding the new location/club. I spent the rest of the evening working on the marketplace and almost have it ready to rentals...just minor details left to complete...landscaping, fountains etc. It really looks nice and I can't wait to start sending the invites to shop owners and advertising our newest area.
Had a chance to finally catch up with Niki last night and get to working on staffing issues with the new schedule. We are also in negociations with several other people who are going to help move PE to a whole new level in regard to staffing.
And as for Halloween ... we are working with others to make Oct 31st something that SL has never seen before! Keep checking back for more details!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
What a whirlwind of a past couple of weeks. The Grand Opening of Premier Evolution was officially on Sunday, October 5th from 2-6pm. I need to thank the many people who worked so hard, such as Mirah and Dillon to get everything ready as well as the many friends who sent notices, placed invites around SL and basically helped get the word out. The event went off spectacularly and was more than I could have ever wished for. Attendance was huge and I believe everyone had an incredible time.
The mall area was originally created small because we really didn't know what to expect being a new area and basically starting from scratch...amazingly within days all 10 shops that were originally built were rented and we have some incredible vendors. I recommend you visit and check them out.
The weekly event schedule has pretty much been finalized..still working out a few details and should be posted soon. This week we are working the schedule to see what type of response we get and if time slots are the best times to hold an event.
After numerous requests for more shops and a larger space, Phase 2 has begun and is under construction...hope to have it completed and ready for vendors within the week.
And as always more stupendous events are in the works including a Halloween Event that will have to be seen to be believed!
I never imagined that it would require this much time and energy and what a struggle it has been, but to see the final payoff and the guests enjoying themselves so makes it all worth while.
There is only more to continue to check us out.
The mall area was originally created small because we really didn't know what to expect being a new area and basically starting from scratch...amazingly within days all 10 shops that were originally built were rented and we have some incredible vendors. I recommend you visit and check them out.
The weekly event schedule has pretty much been finalized..still working out a few details and should be posted soon. This week we are working the schedule to see what type of response we get and if time slots are the best times to hold an event.
After numerous requests for more shops and a larger space, Phase 2 has begun and is under construction...hope to have it completed and ready for vendors within the week.
And as always more stupendous events are in the works including a Halloween Event that will have to be seen to be believed!
I never imagined that it would require this much time and energy and what a struggle it has been, but to see the final payoff and the guests enjoying themselves so makes it all worth while.
There is only more to continue to check us out.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
who i AM, where i have BEEN and where am i GOING??
I know that it is kind of late in my 2nd life to start posting a blog....only close personal friends and a few others know who i am and where i have been. Instead of spending hours typing all the details...I will give brief history of Clinton:
I rezzed into SL in Feb 08 with one intention ...of being a gay male for hire. Shortly there after... I was. A few days after rezzing, I met the most incredible person, Corey Morane and within a week or so we started our journey thru this incredible world of colors and prims togeether. In April, the escort company that i was working for split and Jaydin Hax, a very good friend, started what was then Premier Escorts. Due to RL issues he was not able to devote the time to build the business and entrusted Nikita Hawker and myself to assist him in this endeavor...and Premier Escorts was born. In late May early June, the keys to the doors was handed to me and I changed Premier Escorts into Premier Entertainment (PE) providing gay clubs around SL with dancers to entertain their crowds etc. In July, Corey and I took the plunge and had the most beautiful of weddings. In early September, Dillon Speculaas, the owner of the sim that PE was located on approached me with an entirely new idea of wiping the existing sim clean and creating an entire area devoted to strictly PE including our own club. Through weeks of blood, sweat and a hell of a lot of tears ... Premier Evolution was born. On Sunday, Oct 5th ... Premier Evolution, the newest shining star of the gay club circuit took its rightful place on the SL Horizon.
What a journey this has of continuing evolution. I can only look forward to what the future has to offer... and welcome the ride!
I rezzed into SL in Feb 08 with one intention ...of being a gay male for hire. Shortly there after... I was. A few days after rezzing, I met the most incredible person, Corey Morane and within a week or so we started our journey thru this incredible world of colors and prims togeether. In April, the escort company that i was working for split and Jaydin Hax, a very good friend, started what was then Premier Escorts. Due to RL issues he was not able to devote the time to build the business and entrusted Nikita Hawker and myself to assist him in this endeavor...and Premier Escorts was born. In late May early June, the keys to the doors was handed to me and I changed Premier Escorts into Premier Entertainment (PE) providing gay clubs around SL with dancers to entertain their crowds etc. In July, Corey and I took the plunge and had the most beautiful of weddings. In early September, Dillon Speculaas, the owner of the sim that PE was located on approached me with an entirely new idea of wiping the existing sim clean and creating an entire area devoted to strictly PE including our own club. Through weeks of blood, sweat and a hell of a lot of tears ... Premier Evolution was born. On Sunday, Oct 5th ... Premier Evolution, the newest shining star of the gay club circuit took its rightful place on the SL Horizon.
What a journey this has of continuing evolution. I can only look forward to what the future has to offer... and welcome the ride!
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