Friday, October 17, 2008

Another weekend is upon us

I have been trying really hard to keep this blog about Premier Evolution and the wonderful things that are happening there and what a blast that I am having being associated with it. But although all wonderful things....the tiredness, exhaustion and all around sense of overwhelm are starting to settle in. And somtimes this wonderful world that we live in and use to try and escape from that other world is not so easy to do. This past RL week has possibly been one of the worst of my life...I will not go into detail because that isn't part of the immersion but sometimes absolute immersion is not possible.....your RL mood and worries follow you. I have tried to be consistently upbeat, excited and present a persona of happiness...but this week I know that a change has been seen. A once dear friend of mine posted the most incredible poem on his blog...i have to believe that it was fate, for it could not have fit my situation this week any better and as my comment to him said....You can not chain a soul...because a soul is free and you can not always hold a hand because that hand must sometimes have to let can only hope that one day that hand finds itself back in yours. Goodbyes are hard...but they must be a learning experience. I speak a lot of about Premier and how it has evolved....yet I have learned these past couple of weeks, that I must evolve to. That there is a distinct line that has to be drawn between Clinton and Premier...although they are so tightly intertwined. I have worked so hard to make Premier evolve and in doing so have lost touch with is time for him to evolve as grow, flourish and shine. Forget all the things & people from the past that have caused such grief and hunt and hope that the ones that i have hurt can forgive and then when doing this Clinton can finally LEARN, BUILD, & FLY!!

I apologize to everyone for my mood this week...if it was taken personal that was never my intent and I try really hard to keep the two worlds separate. Premier is wonderful and we have the most incredible guys who try so hard to make the experience at the club one of fun.

With all of that rambling being said.....please do not let my attitude this last week reflect on the club or sim .... it is continuing to grow "evolve" and is a great place to come and have a good time....even if there is an owner who for a short time has beem a grumpy little diva :))

I also wanna thank everyone for all the hugs and words of encouragement even when they had no idea why they needed to other than to feel that at the moment Clint needed one really bad....and he did! I love you all!!!

Huggs ... Clint

1 comment:

Spanki Moulliez said...

hola :)
didnt kno u had a blog. Im glad you liked the poem, its one of my favourites, and I have quite a few, I'll share more so see wat u think. Sorry to hear you are havin a rough time of it. Hope things feel better soon.

Grumpy little diva? Dont tell me you is after my crown? :P hee =^.^=