Wednesday, October 8, 2008

who i AM, where i have BEEN and where am i GOING??

I know that it is kind of late in my 2nd life to start posting a blog....only close personal friends and a few others know who i am and where i have been. Instead of spending hours typing all the details...I will give brief history of Clinton:

I rezzed into SL in Feb 08 with one intention ...of being a gay male for hire. Shortly there after... I was. A few days after rezzing, I met the most incredible person, Corey Morane and within a week or so we started our journey thru this incredible world of colors and prims togeether. In April, the escort company that i was working for split and Jaydin Hax, a very good friend, started what was then Premier Escorts. Due to RL issues he was not able to devote the time to build the business and entrusted Nikita Hawker and myself to assist him in this endeavor...and Premier Escorts was born. In late May early June, the keys to the doors was handed to me and I changed Premier Escorts into Premier Entertainment (PE) providing gay clubs around SL with dancers to entertain their crowds etc. In July, Corey and I took the plunge and had the most beautiful of weddings. In early September, Dillon Speculaas, the owner of the sim that PE was located on approached me with an entirely new idea of wiping the existing sim clean and creating an entire area devoted to strictly PE including our own club. Through weeks of blood, sweat and a hell of a lot of tears ... Premier Evolution was born. On Sunday, Oct 5th ... Premier Evolution, the newest shining star of the gay club circuit took its rightful place on the SL Horizon.

What a journey this has of continuing evolution. I can only look forward to what the future has to offer... and welcome the ride!

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