Saturday, February 21, 2009

What Goes Round!

Last night I was hurt. I was angry. And a side of me came out that I have never seen! This morning when I woke up I was totally like WTF?? I honestly scared me. I re-read the blog from last nite and was in total shock and went to delete it. But then I was that needs to be a reminder to me of where I can go so easily. It isnt me and that isnt how I do things...never have and never will....hopefully! So the post stays as is...and is being replaced with this...thanks to everyone for their messages of support. I love you all Huggs Clint

Hey Drac, is he everything you wanted in a man?
You know I gave you the world
You had me in the palm of your hand
So why your love went away
I just can't seem to understand
Thought it was me and you babe
Me and you until the end
But I guess I was wrong

Don't want to think about it
Don't want to talk about it
I'm just so sick about it
Can't believe it's ending this way
Just so confused about it
Feeling the blues about it
I just can't do without ya
Tell me is this fair?

Is this the way it's really going down?
Is this how we say goodbye?
Should've known better when you came around
That you were gonna make me cry
It's breaking my heart to watch you run around
'Cause I know that you're living a lie
That's okay baby 'cause in time you will find...

What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around

Now Drac, I remember everything that you claimed
You said that you were moving on now
And maybe I should do the same
Funny thing about that is
I was ready to give you my name
Thought it was me and you, babe
And now, it's all just a shame
And I guess I was wrong........

Friday, February 20, 2009

Played the Fool

Wow....what can happen in a matter of hours. From my previous blog this afternoon, you could tell that i was on cloud nine! Happiness I ever remember being...had everything that I thougt I needed. Unfortunately...I wasnt enough for a certain fact come to find out several men are not enough to satisfy Mr. Demonia. And apparently he gets great pleasure in playing and toying with people's emotions. Oh to be played the fool!!! An for a year now, I have tried very hard not to play games and sink to a level of some of these scum crawlers that i have met in SL....(clint searches inventory for latex body suit and selects wear outfit). This time I dont think I can let this one pass me by and not do something about it. (Clint put gloggls on for eye protection) This is just absolutely unasked for and deserves a little bit of a response. (clint put on the thigh high black leather boots) ( clint puts the body straps & cuffs) Bottle of tequila in hand and a pack of smokes in the back pocket...GAME ON BITCH! You play with peoples emotions like others play with xcite parts. Time to learn what playing with a professional is really like!

I was going to insert one of those sappy played a fool kinda songs here...but know what...this one fits ohhhhhhh so much better! See you at the craps table Drac...your dice...better roll a good one!

Kissing You!!!!

It has, as always, been a very busy couple of weeks with events at Evo etc. But I have tried so hard to try and find time to spend with my wonderful man, Drac. In the past couple of weeks, we have spent a lot of time exploring some incredible sims in SL. (I hope to post more about those in a future post) Something I have never really spent much time doing in SL however doing these things with Drac makes it even that much more special. Having my mistress, Evolution, and how it consumes so much of my time...I never thought I would be able to find someone who would be willing to share my time & emotion with another. But Drac has coped incredibly. You can usually find him right next to me on the dancefloor, partying it up at Premier right along with me. And when we are not there...we are off somewhere having a wonderful time, doing all the things that i have wanted to do.

Last night we started setting up house together, which is very exciting!!! Hope to have some pics of the new place for you soon. Drac you have made me feel alive! I feel as if i have actually started living in SL and you have brought so much happiness to me & i know that there is so much more to come. I love you bb and can't imagine a day without you!! I feel so comfortable in your arms as if my body was made for them. My heart jumps at the thought of being near you and aches when it isn't. You make me feel complete. I don't know what else to say other than....thank you Drac!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Why are we here???

Hello fellow bloggers!! Hope that you all are doing well. I must say that after yesterday's post and all of the response that I received...I have to ask one very simple question. Why are we here? What reason do each of us have for logging in every day into SL and returning day after day and week after week? I hope you ask yourself that question!! I can tell you the answer to that question when I pose it to myself. Because I am having fun!!! I have said to many of you, "If you aren't having fun doing it...then you are doing it for the wrong reasons" And I am having a blast!! Yes it is alot of work dealing with all the events at Evo & yes it difficult sometimes working with almost 50 employees; dancers, escorts, dj's etc...not to mention the vendors and such. But what a hell of a ride!! The second & more important reason that I do i hope that others in SL have fun as well. There is nothing that makes me happier than to get an IM near the end of an event thanking me for a great party..or saying what a great time they have had. That right there makes it all worth while!! Also...I have just as much fun when there are just a handful at the event as I do when we are on the verge of crashing it. Another mantra of just takes 2 to be a party. (winks at Drac), wait that might be a subject for another post. LOL So please take a moment and pose this question to yourself...and if you aren't here to have fun & make sure that others have fun as well...please let me draw your attention to the little red "x" in the upper right hand corner of your screen. Thanks guys & Let's PARTY!!!! Huggs Clint

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


For those of you who know know that I honestly try to stay clear of drama. Well at least I try. However, there is something happening in world that I have to address and speak my mind on. It is the current campaign being ran by certain people to besmirch the name and reputation of DJ Gregster Kidd.

I must admit that I am a frequent visitor of the "fashion" blogs, will not name them here but you know who they are...and their ongoing battle with each other. I look at them as the national enquirer of SL..and follow the same practice that I do in RL...none of it is true!! Although at times, they do provide a well deserved chuckle and a couple of minutes of entertainment. However, the veracity and tenacity of these mudslinging campaigns lately has even made me cringe at moments.

Let me give you just a brief background of myself, premier & our relationship with Gregster. In April, 08, Premier Escort/Entertainment opened it's doors to the public. One week later, it had its first big event, with the Madonna CD release party of Hard Candy. We had planned 2 parties, one for Euro time and then one later in the day for US timezones. The DJ, whose name unfortunately escapes me at the moment had agreed to do both sets and the euro party went fabulously. 30 minutes before the US party was to begin, I got a message stating that the DJ's IP address had crashed & he wasn't going to be able to make it. A frantic cry went out for a DJ to help pull off the US event. Mr. DJ Gregster stepped in, absolutely totally unprepared, spun 2 hours of incredible tunes, all while downloading the tracks from the new CD...and the guests on the floor never knew the chaos happening behind the scenes. That my good what it is all about and the mark of a true showman. From that moment on...myself, premier & gregster have had a working and personal relationship. I consider him a very good friend and confidant. As long as my dance floor is open & my shout cast board running, there is a place for Gregster at Premier Evolution. People have used adjectives such as "difficult" & "diva" to describe him in recent days & I want someone to step up and tell me that they have at no time been difficult, caused a problem, created some drama or been a diva. I know that i certainly can't and I don't think anyone else can either. My opinion of Gregster is based on what he has done for me and especially for my business. He has been a true professional & deserves all the praise that is due him.

As for the people who are out to hurt his reputation and personal life...the adjectives that you use are probably best used to describe recent weeks, I have seen nothing more than smear campaigns, & all around tackiness all disguised under the header of journalism. As I stated in my December interview with the magazine of that "fashion blog". I am here to have fun & to make sure that others have fun as well...if and when the fun stops, so do I. Please take a moment to consider, your fun?? and add the later part of my mantra...are you making sure that others are having an enjoyable time as well. If not?? why are you doing it?

I feel it is time that we all step up and say this type of "journalism" is UNINVITED!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My First Rezz Day!

I can not tell you how many times that I have started this blog! (at least a half dozen times) But every time that I start to think about the events of the last year, my mind is flooded with soooo many memories & events. I have to consider myself very very lucky!! I have never really thought about why others come to second life, I have just assumed that they came here the same way I did, they heard about it from some source and decided to come and check it out. I didn't have the benefit of someone waiting for me in SL. Someone to guide me to the hottest shops to get that new shape & skin. Hell, even someone to tell me how to get that damn torch out of my hand. (pahahaha)

I was however, very fortunate to meet some of the most incredible people, who became friends and I would not be where I am had it not been for them. People like Niki & Corey, who practically from the first day i hit the grid have been there, working, helping & holding. There is not a doubt in my mind that had you not been in my life, I would not be celebrating today. I owe you both so much

Then there were people like Jaydin & Dillon, who had the faith in me that I could have a vision & work to bring it to fruition. Premier Evolution would not be where it is today had it not been for your trust in me. Once again I you both so much.

There are so many other friends & people associated with Evo that when I listed them here on the blog, blog spot contacted me and asked that i shorten the blog due to lack of server space. I owe you all so much.

Also, and probably most importantly, there are those that are no longer on the friends list for various reasons. I owe you the most gratitude of all. You are the ones who molded me the most. You helped define me as a person and through each challenge, you helped me to grow, learn & emerge stronger. Although probably not on the Top 10 List of most enjoyable of moments in my SL, your showed me that adversity although overwhelming can be overcome. I owe you most of all!

People who say that they wouldn't change a thing, I have always believed, either don't like change or just aren't thinking hard enough. Of course there are many things that I would have changed over the past year, but as someone once said the past is a deposit that has already been made and the future is only a promissory note.

I look forward to the coming year ahead & embrace it. Not knowing what it holds in store for me, but know that through it all...I will continue to evolve.

Thanks to everyone for an incredible year!! All my love...Clint