Tuesday, February 17, 2009


For those of you who know me...you know that I honestly try to stay clear of drama. Well at least I try. However, there is something happening in world that I have to address and speak my mind on. It is the current campaign being ran by certain people to besmirch the name and reputation of DJ Gregster Kidd.

I must admit that I am a frequent visitor of the "fashion" blogs, will not name them here but you know who they are...and their ongoing battle with each other. I look at them as the national enquirer of SL..and follow the same practice that I do in RL...none of it is true!! Although at times, they do provide a well deserved chuckle and a couple of minutes of entertainment. However, the veracity and tenacity of these mudslinging campaigns lately has even made me cringe at moments.

Let me give you just a brief background of myself, premier & our relationship with Gregster. In April, 08, Premier Escort/Entertainment opened it's doors to the public. One week later, it had its first big event, with the Madonna CD release party of Hard Candy. We had planned 2 parties, one for Euro time and then one later in the day for US timezones. The DJ, whose name unfortunately escapes me at the moment had agreed to do both sets and the euro party went fabulously. 30 minutes before the US party was to begin, I got a message stating that the DJ's IP address had crashed & he wasn't going to be able to make it. A frantic cry went out for a DJ to help pull off the US event. Mr. DJ Gregster stepped in, absolutely totally unprepared, spun 2 hours of incredible tunes, all while downloading the tracks from the new CD...and the guests on the floor never knew the chaos happening behind the scenes. That my good friends...is what it is all about and the mark of a true showman. From that moment on...myself, premier & gregster have had a working and personal relationship. I consider him a very good friend and confidant. As long as my dance floor is open & my shout cast board running, there is a place for Gregster at Premier Evolution. People have used adjectives such as "difficult" & "diva" to describe him in recent days & I want someone to step up and tell me that they have at no time been difficult, caused a problem, created some drama or been a diva. I know that i certainly can't and I don't think anyone else can either. My opinion of Gregster is based on what he has done for me and especially for my business. He has been a true professional & deserves all the praise that is due him.

As for the people who are out to hurt his reputation and personal life...the adjectives that you use are probably best used to describe yourselves...in recent weeks, I have seen nothing more than smear campaigns, & all around tackiness all disguised under the header of journalism. As I stated in my December interview with the magazine of that "fashion blog". I am here to have fun & to make sure that others have fun as well...if and when the fun stops, so do I. Please take a moment to consider, your fun?? and add the later part of my mantra...are you making sure that others are having an enjoyable time as well. If not?? why are you doing it?

I feel it is time that we all step up and say this type of "journalism" is UNINVITED!!


Jordyn Carnell said...

Something not always noted is Gregster's character: intelligence wrapped in genuine warmth. Definitely a man I'd buy a pint for should we ever meet in RL.


Eddi Haskell said...

Last August, something happened to me in Second Life that made me feel very low. I went to a club where Gregster was spinning, and I don't know how, but he kinda knew I was down (I did not tell anyone the first day), and he cheered me right up. He was so funny and he made me feel so good about myself We did not know each other that well then, but he really is an amazing person, and he is now one of my favorite people in Second Life. He will do well, people like Gregster always keep on doing better!